STC Membership
National Chapter
Check out the national site for the benefits of being a member of the National chapter. The best part about being a dues-paying member of STC is the educational opportunities. We offer discounts on education, community events and groups, a great magazine, a national conference, and more. To join, you can go to STC.org.

Local Chapter
We are your local community! We recommend those we know when we need to hire someone. We seek out those we know for help and advice. If you move, a local chapter of STC can be one of your first stops when trying to find jobs, advice, and friends.
Our local chapter generally offers monthly chapter meetings at low and no cost. Since covid, these events have gone to Zoom and are usually posted to our website a couple of months after the event. To join our local chapter, when you are paying for the national organization, there will be an option to include membership fees for the local chapter. If you click Puget Sound Chapter, it will ensure that we receive fees to subsidize our chapter. Our Zoom meetings, website, and other tools cost money, and this money helps us continue to offer events at zero to low fees.
We also run 1-3 workshops yearly from professionals on the hottest tech topics. While those workshops might cost you $300-$600, we bring them to you for $50-$100, depending on the topic. We also record them, and only the attendees will receive a copy of the recordings for later review.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
You can sign up to receive our free newsletter. This is a free feature; you don’t have to pay a dime. We will usually send out a monthly newsletter and a reminder if there is an event. If you sign up for an event, you’ll receive additional emails with the Zoom link for the event.
Sign up at http://eepurl.com/hfVONb to receive your free STC newsletter now.